sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011

Inventions of Alberto Santos=Dumont

Find below the list of inventions by Santos=Dumont in semi-chronological order. Click on the links and/or scroll down the page for more information about the inventions.

Santos=Dumont treated his inventions as 'his family', it is possible to identify the evolutions in his numbered inventions. Above the airship, the biplane and finally the monoplane.

Below, see the list of inventions by Santos=Dumont in chronological order.

#__ Nomes     Outros nomes ou grafiasTipo & 
Datas &
Informações técnicas
Familia Completa

Mais Leve que o Ar

1 voo 04 junho/1898

diâmetro 6m/1 113 m3 de H2

Mais Leve que o Ar

1 voo 12 junho /1898

diâmetro 9,8m/1 500 m3 de H2

4S=D N.1
Mais Leve que o Ar

queda 19 setembro/ 1898

25 m comp/186 m3 de H2
Motor Dion Bouton Modificado 2cil. 3,5cv Hélice 0,4m 

5S=D N..2
Mais Leve que o Ar

queda 11 de maio/ 1898

26,5 m comp/200 m3 de H2
Motor Dion Bouton Modificado 2cil. 3,5cv Hélice 0,4m 

6S=D N.3
Mais Leve que o Ar

1o voo 13 de novembro/1898

25 m comp/ 500m3 de H2 - Motor Dion Bouton Modificado 2cil. 3,5cv Hélice 0,4m

7S=D N.4
Mais Leve que o Ar

1o voo em 01 de agosto/1900

29 m de comp/420m3 - Motor Buchet 2cl. 7cv, Hélice de 4m

Tão Leve quanto o Ar

Cilindro Termostático 50m3 e 2,5m de diâmetro

Balão 310 m3 e 7m de diâmetro
9S=D N..5
Mais Leve que o Ar

queda 08 de agosto/1901

34 m comp / 550 m3 de H2
Motor Buchet 4 cil. 16 cv  Hélice 4m

10S=D N..6
Mais Leve que o Ar

Ganhou o Prêmio Deutsch em 19 de outubro de 1901

34 m comp / 622 m3 de H2 Motor Buchet 4 cil. 20 cv  Hélice 4m

11S=D N.7
Mais Leve que o Ar

Teste em 16 de maio de 1904

49 m comp / 1.257 m3 de H2 Motor Clement Bayard de 4 cil. 40 cv  Hélice 4

12N.8Mais Leve que o Ar

1o voo da USA Sr. Boyce em 01 de outubro de 1902

34 m comp / 622 m3 de H2 Motor Buchet 4 cil. 20 cv  Hélice 4m

13S=D N.9 
La Balladeuse

Mais Leve que o Ar

1o voo 07 de maio de 1903

12 - 15,2 m comp / 220 - 261 m3 de H2 Clement Bayard de 2 cil. 3 cv  Hélice 2,8m

14Cartier Santos*Não é invenção de S=D
* Invenção de Edmond Jaeger & Louis Cartier para S=D

Linhagem de relógios que remonta a 1904

15S=D N.10
Mais Leve que o Ar



16S=D N.11
Mais Pesado que o Ar


17S=D N.12
Mais Pesado que o Ar

UF / País

18S=D N.13
Mais Leve que o Ar


19S=D N.14
Mais Leve que o Ar

1o voo agosto de 1905

20 m comp / 200 m3 de H2 Peugeot 2 cil. 14 cv  Hélice 0,9m

20N.14-bis Oiseau de Proie
Mais Pesado que o Ar

23 de outubro de 1904 voou 220m

9,6 m comp / 11,46 env Motor Antoniette de 8 cl. 50cv  Hélice 2m

21N.15Mais Pesado que o Ar


22N.16Tão Leve quanto o Ar


23N.17Mais Pesado que o Ar





Mais Pesado que o Ar



Mais Pesado que o Ar








29Dispositivo p Corrida de Galgos






31Catapulta Salva-Vidas



Santos=Dumont had a well defined line of reasoning, attacked the lighter than air vehicles and evolved step by step up to the heavier than air, and finally began his studies with the individual flight and ornithopter, "the inventor, as in the nature of Linnaeus, achieve no leaps: he evolves in a slow, gradual process. 

leia este artigo em Português

I have started by improving my ballooning pilot skills attacking the problem of dirigibility. Than I became an aeronaut in the good management of my airships, for many years I have studied the background to the petrol engine, and only when I realized that their state of perfection was enough to make it fly, I attacked the problem of heavier than air". Find below the list of inventions of Santos-Dumont in chronological order.
"Dirigible, biplane and monoplane, - My family, Rio de Janeiro, January 8, 1929"
Santos=Dumont parking his Dirigible Number 9 in front of his apartment at Avenue Champs Elysées - Paris


I took him to the Bois de Boulogne and, by means of three ropes, hung him from a horizontal branch of a tree, suspending him a few centimeters from the ground. It is difficult to explain my delight when I saw that, contrary to what happened on land, the engine of my tricycle, suspended, vibrated so pleasantly that it almost seemed to stop.

On this day my life as an inventor began”.

I ran home, started the calculations and drawings of my number 1 balloon. At the meetings of the Automóvel Club - as the Aeroclube did not yet exist - I told my friends that I intended to take to the air carrying an internal combustion engine under a fusiform balloon. Astonishment was general: they called my project madness. Hydrogen was the most explosive thing ever! If I intended to commit suicide, perhaps it would be better to sit on a powder keg with a lighted cigar. I didn't find anyone who encouraged me.

- Brazil – Smallest captive balloon ever created – with a wingspan of 6 meters in diameter, cubage of 113 m3, weight 27.5 kg.
First flight made on June 4, 1898;


the small Brazil balloon (113 m3 cubage) allowed Santos=Dumont to fly individually - it lifted 50 kg of S=D and just over 30 kg of maximum load.


-L'Amérique – It was built in 1898, it carried the aviator's bicycle so that he could return from the place where he had landed – with a wingspan of 9.8 meters in diameter, cubage of 500 m3;

the L'Amerique, with a cubic capacity of 500m3, could climb with extra weights, Santos=Dumont often tied his bike to the ropes, as the landing was always a surprise far from home.


 - Airship Number 1 – Dismissed the chemise and attached ropes directly to the casing, suffered falls on September 18th and September 20th, 1898 due to the ease with which the casing had to bend.
Santos=Dumont, just like Lineu's nature, didn't make leaps, istead progressed invention by invention in very well-planned steps

With 25 meters in length from end to end of the enclosure, diameter of 3.5m in the widest part of the enclosure, cubage 186m3, Dion Boutton engine modified with 2 superimposed cylinders, which reached 3.5 horsepower and propellers of 50 cm length from blade to blade;

Dirigível S=D Numero 1

-Airship Number 2 – Made modifications to the rudder that became more functional, it crashed on June 11, 1899 again due to the folding of the casing(see ). Increased the size of the enclosure to 26.5 meters in length, 3.8 meters in diameter at the widest part of the enclosure, cubage of 200m3, used the same modified De Dion Boutton engine, now with adjustments reaching 4.5 hp and propellers of 50 cm length from blade to blade;


- Airship Number 3 – After several falls due to the folding of the casing, it solved the problem with the design of the “vesica piscis” increasing the curvature and reducing the length, it flew for the first time on November 13, 1899 and made several flights over Paris (see ). Measuring 20 meters in length, 7.5 meters in diameter at the bulkiest part of the casing, with a volume of 500m3, it used the same De Dion Boutton engine with 4.5hp and propellers measuring 50 cm from blade to blade;;


- Airship Number 4 – First flight on August 8, 1900, contrary to what many believe the wheels were not landing gear and only served to take the aircraft out of the hangar, it used water ballast(veja ). 

With 29 meters in length, S=D sat dangerously on a saddle attached to a bamboo cane, 5.6 meters in diameter in the most bulging part of the enclosure, cubage of 420m3, used a 2-cylinder Buchet engine with 7 hp, and had a propeller with 4 meters in diameter;

Dirigível S=D numero 4

- Airship Number 5 – First airship with the design of the winner of the Deutsch Prize, first flight on July 12, 1901, on July 13, 1901 flew 11km in 40 minutes, was destroyed in the classic accident of August 8, 1901 (see ). 34 meters long, 6.5m in diameter at the most bulging part of the casing, 500m3 of cubage, 4-cylinder Buchet engine with 20hp with 4-meter propellers;

Dirigível S=D numero 4


- Airship Number 6 – First flight on September 6, 1901, S=D made changes to the rudder, Won the Deutsch prize on October 19, 1901, was destroyed in Monaco in the accident on February 14, 1902 (see ).

33 m long, 6 m in diameter in the casing, 622 m3 cubage, 4-cylinder Buchet engine with exposed radiator with 20 hp, 4 m propellers;


- Airship Number 7 – First flight on June 16, 1904, destroyed on June 26, 1904 in St Louis – USA (supposedly by sabotage). 49m in length, 7 meters in diameter in the casing, 1,257m3 in cubage, Used a 60hp Clement Bayard engine, had 2 propellers in the bow and in the stern with 4 m each;


- Airship Number 8 – Exact replica of Number 6 sold to the Director of the Aeroclub of America, Mr Boyce (USA), contrary to what is believed to be a myth, the number eight was actually built. It was destroyed in a crash on its first flight outside New York in September 1902.


Dirigível N.º 9 “La Balladeuse”

- Airship Number 9 “La Balladeuse” (the buggy) – It made its first flight on June 7, 1903, it was also sold to Mr. Boyce, with him S=D made several individual metropolitan flights in Paris(veja ). 

12m long, 5.5m in diameter, 220m cubage, with a 2-cylinder Clement Bayard engine with 3hp, propeller measuring 2.8m from end to end;


- Airship Number 10 “Lo Omnibus” – Flew attached to the ground on October 18, 1903. With 48 meters in length, 8.5 m in diameter in the casing, cubage of 2010, it worked with a 4-cylinder Clement Bayard engine, power of 46hp to move 2 propellers of 3m;

Dirigivel Santos=Dumont Número 10 - “Lo Omnibus” 

O Mistério dos Número 11, 12 e 8

As is public knowledge, Santos=Dumont burned part of his diaries and projects, which caused great damage to his biography and invention reports, especially with regard to numbers 11, 12 and 8.

As the media at the time spoke little about these inventions, there were no photos and his personal accounts were lost, Professor Henrique Lins de Barros composed this list, extrapolating with aircraft and projects of the time, such as the helicopter, the glider and other inventions that could well have been baptized with the missing numbers.

However, Georges Blanchet in his article for L'Aérophile Article No. 6, April 1904, p. 91 says that there were aircraft baptized with these numbers, according to the attached article:

A côté du n VII et entièrement achevé aussi, un nouvel aéronat, le Santos-Dumont XI attend le jour prochain de ses essais. Du même type que le ballon omnibus le n° X, dont Santos ne s'occupera plus qu'après son retour de Saint-Louis, le n XI appartient à un riche Américain qui l'attend impatiemment. Mentionnons à ce propos qu'un autre Américain, M. Boyce, avait précédemment acquis du célèbre aéronaute le Santos-Dumont VIII et l'avait mis hors d'usage dès sa première ascension. Nullement découragé, M. Boyce acheta alors le Santos-Dumont IX, le petit aéronat qui émerveilla les Parisiens l'été dernier et fera prochainement connaissance avec l'atmosphère new-yorkaise.


Alongside nº VII and also completely completed, a new aircraft, the Santos-Dumont XI, awaits the next day of its tests. Like balloon bus nº X, which Santos will not deal with until after his return from Saint-Louis, nº XI belongs to a rich American who is waiting impatiently for it. Let us mention, in this connection, that another American, Mr. Boyce, had already acquired the Santos-Dumont VIII from the famous aeronaut and had put it out of use on its first ascent. Not at all discouraged, Boyce then bought the Santos-Dumont IX, the small aeronat that enchanted Parisians last summer and which will soon experience the New York climate.

BLANCHET, Georges. Le retour et les préparatifs de Santos Dumont, L’Aérophile. Paris: Aéroclub de France, 12th grade, nº 6, apr. 1904, p.
respecting my friend's criteria my friend and also to make these inventions known, I took the liberty of continuing with the list made by my friend Professor Henrique.

-Projeto de Aeroplano Numero 11 – Project of monoplane airplane based on the Cayley glider, it was not built;

-Number 12 Helicopter Project - It was never finalized, part of the engine installation structure was already ready. It had two 4-meter support propellers of traction of 2m of diameter, in the photos the helicopter appears next to an Antoinette engine of 8 cylinders of 50 hp;


-Number 13 - (the dangerous) Mixed Hot Air Balloon and Hydrogen Blimp – S=D's attempt to achieve greater autonomy, fortunately it was destroyed in the hangar during a storm on December 29, 1904 before being tested. 19 meters long, 14.5 m in diameter, 1902 m3 of Hydrogen and 750 m3 of air;


- Airship Number 14 – The envelope in the form of a spear was not very stable with the risk of folding, as occurred with numbers 1 and 2, first flight on June 12, 1905. With 41 meters in length, 3.4 m in diameter, cubage of 186m3, weighed 150 kg, and operated with a Peugeot engine of 2 hp;


-Airship modified Number 14 – The enclosure was modified to 20 meters in length, 6m in diameter and cubage of 200 m3;


-Dirigível Numero 14 com o 14 acoplado –

Hybrid Hargrave-wing aircraft with balloon attached for testing that will lead to heavier-than-air flight. Tests carried out on July 21, 22 and 23, 1906;

-Les Deux Ameriques – Spherical balloon with two horizontal propellers to replace the use of ballasts, built to participate in the Gordon-Bennett Cup on September 30, 1906, departing from Place de la Concorde-Paris. With 16 meters in length and 2150 m3 of cubage, it used a 6 horsepower Dion engine to move two propellers;


Balão esférico feito para participar da taça Gordon-Bennet, hélices horizontais foram usadas para substituir os sacos de lastro de areia.

Infelizmente, Santos+Dumont não ganhou o prêmio.



He realized this dream on September 4, 1906, when he flew for the first time in his plane number 14-Bis. It was small flights of 7 to 8 meters in the Campo de Bagatelle, but perhaps the happiest day of his life, as he finally managed to take off, with enough force to stay in the air.

Upon realizing that he needed the bearing axle (as we saw there arthras), he put ailerons on the tip of each wing.

-Aeroplano 14 Bis – Built in 1906, made a small flight in Campo de Bagatelle on September 4, 1906, flew from 7 to 8 meters on September 13, 1906, won the Archdeacon cup on October 23, 1906 with a flight of 60 meters at 3 meters high, flew 220m on November 12, 1906 6 meters high and won the Aeroclub de France award – IT WAS THE FIRST APPROVED FLIGHT IN THE HISTORY OF AVIATION, Destroyed in SaintCyr on April 4, 1907.

9.6 meters long, 11.46 meters wide, 290 kg, 50 hp Antoniette engine moved a 2 m propeller, it was driven by a starter specially fitted to the propeller (see photo).


- Airplane Number 15 – built in plywood, had trials on the 21st, 24th, 2nd and 27th of March 1907, it was too unstable to fly.
With 6 m in length, 11 m in wingspan, 325 kg, powered by an Antoinette engine of 50 hp, a single wheel served as landing gear;


- Number 16 – Hybrid, a mixture of an airplane and an airship - Device as heavy as air, a hydrogen envelope nullified the weight of an airplane, first presentation on June 4, 1907, unsuccessful flight attempt, main crash on June 18, 1907 in the presence of Louis Blériot, Trajan Vuia and Charles
Voisin. Enclosure 21 meters long, 3 m in diameter, 99 m3 cubicle, Antoniette 8-cylinder 50 hp engine;

- Modified number 16 – another hybrid aircraft, a mixture of a twin-engine airplane and an airship, only this time with two engines of 6 hp each in a special structure, put into flight after the accident on June 18, 1907 with the aim of testing more resources for the "heavier than air".

No. 16 is not an airship, but one "as light as air". Once again, Santos introduces the machine, presumably explaining how it will fly: it will be relieved by the gas in the envelope and also lifted by lifting the wings during displacement. Then he tries the demo which ends miserably.

This type of airship is also called, according to the jargon of the time, “mixed”. Santos will then modify the n° 16 with two smaller engines, with no further results.


- Number 17 airplane (La Sauterelle) “the grasshopper” – improved version of number 15 completed in September 1907, never tested. With 7 m in length, 12.4 m in wingspan, 320 kg, it had a 16-cylinder Antoinette engine with 100 hp of power, tripe propeller with 2.10 m;


- Numero 18 - hidroplanador (L'hydroglisseur – see ) tests carried out in the month of October 1907 on the Seine;
It was 8 m long, 6 m wide, with a 16-cylinder Antoinette engine of 100 hp, moving the same gut as number 17;


- Airplane Number 19 - “La Demoiselle” – Built in 1907, it made flights to St-Cyr and Issy-les-Moulineaux on November 16, 17 and 21, 1907. It was 8 meters long, 5.1 meters wide, weighed 180 kg and was driven by a Dutheil & Chalmers 2-cylinder engine with 19 hp.


This model with dual-propellers combined with a central tripod, was designed to try to gain power and flight time, with the objective of winning the 1km Archdeacon award.

Tests also carried out with a 30 horse Darracq.

Another version of the Numero 19 called the 19 Bis was tested, with an 8-cylinder Antonette engine that weighed 180 kg, it did not fly;


- Airplane Number 20 - “La Demoiselle” – First flight on March 1, 1909 in St Cyr,

In this first format, giant crowns turned a large propeller. During the test, one of the propeller blades detached and was thrown a great distance, until it was stuck in the sandy soil of a neighboring property.

This model with propellers rebuilt in the mold of modern propellers, broke the record for the distance needed for takeoff on September 16, 1909, on September 17 of that year it flew to Wideville Castle, it was 5.55 meters long, and 5.50 meters wide, weighing 115 kg.

After testing with different models, it tested with different engines, including Dutheil & Chalmers, Darracq, Clement Bayard, etc;


On December 03, 1928 Santos=Dumont disembarked from Cap Arcona in Rio de Janeiro bringing his two inventions, the “Martian Transformer” and the “Ícaro”, the result of research he carried out over the last 3 years (from 1925 to 1928) at “La Casucha” an apartment rented from his great friend and business partner Marques de Soriano.

The Martian transformer, it's a mechanical ski, it's used to climb mountains, of course, mountains covered with snow. For the climber there will be no more expenditure of self-effort, in the movement of the legs, because it will be provided by the engine, extremely light. It is a small four-stroke single-cylinder, with a power of 1/10 HP and weighing only 880 grams. It gives a speed of 1.20 (meters) per second when ascending a mountain.

Description of the invention by Santos=Dumont

One day, however, during the winter of 1925-1926, having reached the top of Mont Joli, which dominates Magève, I found myself exhausted, like a locomotive without steam. Infinitely tired, I stopped, with one ski in front and the other far behind, without having the strength to pull them anymore! This invariably happened at the end of a climb. Motionless in that position, he cursed the weak inventiveness of man, who had not yet adapted an engine to the needs of skiers and mountaineers.

It was at this moment that, looking at the tip of my ski going straight ahead, I thought: “But I have a real foothold here, because the sealskin prevents my ski from going backwards.
If, from there, by a thread, I pull the heel of my other foot, it will catch up, overtake my other heel and will only stop by itself at the height of this point.

This ski will then find itself in the position occupied by the other one in the previous instant, and a second thread will allow me to start over, for that one, the same manoeuvre.” For, as the first researchers of the direction of the balloons said: "Give us a fulcrum - that is (the answer) to the whole question".

The Problem was then solved. It was necessary to put it into practice, that is, to carry out, with an engine and automatically, the back and forth movement, in an amplitude of more than one meter.

What did the existing mechanics offer me for this? A crankshaft and a connecting rod, that is, a shaft equipped with a 60cm elbow and a connecting rod of about two meters. For the skier, two elbows and two connecting rods. I evidently could not conceive of it (in this way). I was forced to invent something new.

Technical drawing of the martian by Santos Dumont

Here's what I did: the connecting rods, I replaced them with two wires that, if made of steel, don't need to be thicker than a hair. The crankshafts then become two very light magnesium drums, weighing only 25 grams, which form small winches for the wires – and I think I am not exaggerating too much when I say that, in motion, the parts of this transformer are a hundred times lighter than in the old connecting rod system. And the low inertia of the moving parts is of great interest in a machine which undergoes continual U-turns.
The first figure shows my 95 gram transformer for a 1/10 hp motor placed on a skier's back. Figure number 2 shows a larger model, weighing 450 grams, for an engine of 2 hp, or even more.

Here's how they work.

Take, for example, the large model (Fig.2)

The rotational movement of the motor is received by pinion R, chained to shaft O, which goes to bearings P1 and P2. Under this tree are two drums A and B, over which the threads we have spoken of are wound. Finally, between these, a disk D, attached to the axle by a long key that can slide along it. It is controlled by means of a system composed of an inner cable T and a lever L, The drums A, B and the disc D that support the cavities and the corresponding projections, we see here that with this lever L we can change one or the other drum on the axis O.

We now proceed to the wires F1 and F2 of the drums. In the present case, each one will connect to the tip of a ski, passing through a pulley attached to the heel of the opposite foot, and even before that, through two small holes L1 and L2 that have, a little further on, two nodes N1 and N2, not being able to exceed the two holes. let's see how:

With the engine running, belt R and Axle O move disk D, simple as that.

To start the reciprocating movement, to engage, push lever L by any command; this pulls the arm T that applies the disk D on the drum B. This enters in tune with the tree and rotates with it. Thread F2 is then wound onto the drum winch B and the different parts are in the position shown in figure 1. This movement must continue until knot N2 hits part T2 and pulls it. But this knock is linked to the control lever L, which will be activated, which will have the effect of moving disk D to the left, which means disengaging drum B and clutching drum A. It will be thread F that, in this second stage, will be wound up, until knot N1 arrives at its hit point; this will reverse clutching the drums again. Note that, during this second time, the thread F2 pulled by the ski will develop over its drum, which can rotate freely.

This double movement must, in the case of the skier, take place close to twice a second. But let my young reader or my beautiful reader not worry about that. They don't even suspect that the valves in their cabriolet's engine open and close more than 60 times a second. It is even said that the atoms, in the molecules that serve as their prison, are so restless, so agitated, that they go from right to left and from left to right, ten million billion times a second. But I have here no more than limited confidence as to the accuracy of the measurements.

On my machine, you can see and count the beats that really give it the very amusing appearance of a living being.

I now present two figures explaining the movement of the skis.

In the first one (fig...), the right ski is positioned backwards. The wire connected to its end has just finished its work, taking the sole of the left foot forward, and its knot, when reaching the point of impact, changes gears in the transformer.

Mme. Ponget testing the "Marcian"

The wire attached to the end of the other ski – the left one – will then begin to wind itself around its little winch. Pushing the right sole to the position of the other figure (fig.... ...). Again, the U-turn will work, and that's about twice a second.

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